






Dear members and friends,


First of all, on behalf of Hong Kong Seamen's Union, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all members for their trust and support in me and the new executive committee members. At the same time, I would like to deliver my heartfelt respect towards our friends from all circles who have been caring and helping the Union's development for a long time.


Hong Kong Seamen's Union is a historical union with the glorious tradition of patriotism. We have weathered a hundred years of frost and wind, and walked through non-trivial journey of strive. For more than a hundred years, we have been closely connected with the prospect and fate of our country and nation, and are a member of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We are determined to safeguard the Central Government’s practice of the "One Country, Two Systems" policy in Hong Kong, supporting the Hong Kong Government governing Hong Kong in accordance with law so as to foster economic development and improve people's livelihood. No matter how the time changes and society develops, we will always stand fast to the principles of loving and sharing a same fate with our country and Hong Kong.


 We actively participate in facilitating the development of Hong Kong maritime transport, encouraging more Hong Kong young people to devote themselves to the maritime transport industry. We always stay true to our original inspiration, which is safeguarding the legitimate rights and vital interests of seamen unswervingly. We help seamen to grow into talents, guiding them to master new technologies and have a better prospect. Concurrently, we adhere to our social responsibilities and concepts of industry development, actively cooperate with the industry to nurture more outstanding talents along with consolidating and supporting the position of Hong Kong as an international shipping center.


We pass our mission from generation to generation and move forward through conquering hardship to create a new era. Standing at a new starting point, we will inherit the glorious tradition of our elders, promote their spirit of patriotism and unity, and permanently be the determined guardian and supervisor of seamen's rights. We will continue to explore and open up new ideas for the development of the Union, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, and keep pace with the times. In order to consolidate and elevate the position of Hong Kong international shipping center, as well as assisting our country to become strong in shipping, we have the courage to bear the historical mission entrusted to the Hong Kong Seamen's Union in contemporary age.


Hong Kong Seamen’s Union Chairman
Capt. William Chow




主 席 : 周德礎
副主席 : 楊開强
副主席 : 吳始平
秘書主任 : 鄭永坤
財政主任 : 韓燕芳
宣傳主任 : 陳洪霞
交際主任 : 周偉
福利主任 : 梁耀全
庶務主任 : 矯杰
組織主任 : 楊開强(兼)


李文輝 陳潤枝 李錦斌 李啟文 吳梓鴻 曹明耀 黃邦興 陳凱 何玉威 蔣童雪


溫志光 毛從堅 李宏澤














      與此同時,香港海員工會堅定地維護海員的權益,關心海員的生活。海員就業遭層層盤剝,工會就帶頭要求加薪和反對包工制;海員海外冤獄判死,工會就要求國家進行營救;海員被仇華份子開槍擊傷,工會就領導海員進行鬥爭,逼使認罪道歉;海員生活困難,工會就開辦飯堂,辦醫療補助;海員子女就學無門,工會就開辦子弟學校;海員飄洋過海家庭乏人照顧,工會就成立訪問員組為海員家屬解憂排難;海員需要進行專業培訓以符合國際海事組織和就業的要求,工會就想方設法在香港及內地辦課程,保證他們如期接受培訓,繼續上船工作 。

