參觀「育鯤」輪詳情Visiting Details of “Yu Kun”
開放日期 |
11月20日 (星期一) |
11月21日 (星期二) |
11月22日 (星期三) |
11月23日 (星期四) |
11月24日 (星期五) |
11月25日 (星期六) |
開放時間 |
18:00-20:00 |
10:00-13:00 |
18:00-20:00 |
15:00-20:00 |
15:00-20:00 |
10:00-12:00 |
登船地點:海港城海運大廈二階 (近 OTE202號舖塚田農場)
Boarding Location:Level 2, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City (near shop OTE202 TSUKADA NOJO)
參觀時間:每節導賞團#約30分鐘 (請於指定參觀時間前15分鐘到登船地點集合,出示身份証或護照登記上船)
Boarding Time:Around 30 minutes each session of the tour# (Please arrive at the boarding location 15 minutes before designated session of the tour starts, and visit the ship upon registration with Identity Card or Passport)
Quota:Max of 30 people each session
#導賞團將以普通話進行。Tour will be conducted in Mandarin.
*請勿穿著涼鞋或拖鞋登船以確保安全。For safety reason, no sandals or slippers are allowed on board.
登船門票購買詳情Details of Ticketing
時間Time:12:30 – 21:00
地點 Location:海洋中心4樓 Level 4, Ocean Centre (近 Near Shop OC 415-9 號舖MUJI)
門票價錢Entrance Fee*:HK$10 (身高1米以上的小童須購票進場,12歲以下的小童須由成人陪同參觀。Children over 1 meter tall are admitted by tickets. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.)
All proceeds will be donated to “The Community Chest of Hong Kong”. Cash donation box will be arranged in the counter on-site, no change will be provided.
- 門票可預先購買,數量有限,每人每日最多限購4張,售完即止,售罄後將即時終止而不會另行通知。The tickets can be purchased in advance. Each person can purchase a maximum of 4 tickets every day. Tickets are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasts, and the sale will be terminated accordingly without prior notice.
- 門票不能轉售及不可退換。Tickets are NOT FOR SALE and non-refundable.
- 主辦機構及海港城置業有限公司保留最終決定權。Organizers & Harbour City Estates Limited reserves the final right to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.
查詢 Enquiry: 2118 8666